
Frameco AB is certified according to ISO 9001:2015. Click here to see the certificate as a PDF. Our corporate policy is” Frameco´s work and products must satisfy the customers and the authorities demands and expectations on quality and environmental management.”

– Corporate focus: We are to be specialists when it comes to developing and manufacturing armrests.

– Marketing focus: Frameco develops and manufactures carefully engineered ergonomic products for professional driver environments. These products will be marketed in Europe and North America.

– Customer focus: The customer always decides what is right. Quality, acceptable environmental impact, and the customer’s reaction is the foundation on which our improvements are made.

– Environmental focus: The environmental impact on air, water, and land are to be as low as possible at all times. We must always meet the demands of our customers and the government. Frequent meetings with the local authorities environmental department will ensure that we are kept up to date with the current laws and legislation.

– Employee focus: Recurring check-ups of the employee’s competence is made to ensure that it’s always in parity with our technology. The interest and enthusiasm of our employees are constantly encouraged through the ability to participate in the development and manufacturing process.

– Improvement focus: Every reaction from customers and clients is processed to guarantee an evolving process of improvement.